Purpose: Voice disorders, which are very common, may have symptoms such as changing voice quality, laryngeal discomfort, hoarseness, shortness of breath, dry throat, more effort than usual during speaking, and vocal fatigue. Vocal fatigue is a common problem that negatively affects the quality of life of professional voice users, including speech and language therapists (SLT), who actively and intensively use their voices in their work lives. Due to their intensive professional activities, it is thought that SLTs are at high risk of experiencing vocal fatigue. The lack of a study on this issue with SLTs in the national literature in Türkiye constitutes the starting point of this study. The aim of this research is to determine the levels of vocal fatigue and voice-related quality of life among SLTs working in Türkiye.
Method: The study utilized a descriptive research design employing a survey model. A total of 125 participants took part in the study, consisting of 106 females and 19 males working in Türkiye. The data was collected using a Demographic Information Form, Voice Fatigue Index (VFI), Voice Handicap Index (VHI), and Voice-Related Quality of Life Scale (VRQOL). The data was collected online through Google Forms. Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, and Spearman Correlation Analysis were used to analyze the data.
Results: The VFI scores of female participants were higher than male participants, and the VFI scores of participants working in rehabilitation centers were higher than those working in other institutions. Additionally, participants with session durations ranging from 1 to 10 hours had lower total VFI scores than participants with longer session durations. The total VRQOL scores of speech and language therapists working in rehabilitation centers were found to be lower than those working in other institutions. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the total scores of VFI and VRQOL according to the participants' gender, duration of professional experience, average weekly session duration, and the institution they work for. When the relations between the scales are examined, there is a statistically significant negative correlation between the VRQOL scores and the VFI and VHI scores. It was observed that there was a significant and positive relationship between VFI and VHI scores.
Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the levels of vocal fatigue among speech and language therapists were low, but as vocal fatigue levels increased, their voice-related quality of life was negatively affected.
speech language therapist, voice, vocal fatigue, voice-related quality of life, voice handicap index
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