CURRENT ISSUE - YEAR: 2024 VOLUME: 7 ISSUE: 3, December 2024
Page: 257 - 276
Fenise Selin Karalı, Samet Tosun, Zeynep Özge Sara
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Investigation of Voice Fatigue Levels and Voice-Related Quality of Life of Speech and Language Therapists

Aylin Başaran, Sude Bilgen, Şeyma Çokşen
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İrem Akca Boyacı, Maral Yeşilyurt
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 326 - 352
Opinions of Speech and Language Therapy Students and Graduates on Ethical Dilemmas in Türkiye: A Preliminary Study

Derya Çavdar, Eda Korkmaz, Buğra Ömer Altınordu, Mehmet Emrah Cangi
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