Purpose: Swallowing function is affected by aging and therefore in elderly individuals the incidence of dysphagia increases. The acceptance of swallowing disorder as a geriatric syndrome that affects the independence and quality of life of elderly individuals emphasizes the importance of evaluating the risks that may occur. In Turkey, there is no assessment tool that will enable the identification of dysphagia due to aging. The DRAS scale, which aims to evaluate the risk of dysphagia for elderly individuals. DRAS was adapted to Turkish and its validity-reliability was examined.
Method: In the study, descriptive design and random stratified sample selection method were used. In the scale adaptation study, the translation-back translation method was used and the CGI was calculated according to the answers of 3 expert speech and language therapists (CGI>0.80). The scale, which was adapted and named DRAS-TR, was administered to 170 individuals. Dysphagia risk assessment questionnaire and demographic information form were also administered to the participants. In order to perform the validity-reliability analyses of the scale, item analysis, reliability analysis, explanatory factor analysis, and CFA analysis were performed. For the test-retest, the scale was randomly readministered to 20% of the group, and for the parallel form, correlation analysis was performed to 20% of the group at random.
Results: Since the correlation between the items was <0.30, item extraction was not performed. Its internal consistency was high with a Cronbach's Alpha reliability analysis value of 0.919. The relationships between the scale items and the mean score were 0.463-0. It was significant with 800 (p<0.01). Since the KMO value was >60 and the Barlett sphericity test was found to be significant at the 99% confidence level (p<0.01), the sample size was sufficient for factor analysis as a result of the research. Modifications were made because the CFA results of the scale were not at the desired level, and the t values were significant at the p<.01 level and all values were >2.58. The compliance criteria with the DFA result were in acceptable agreement. The factor structure explained by these findings was confirmed. Since the CR and AVE values were determined above the threshold value, the reliability and convergent validity of the measurement model was ensured. There was a high level of 0.965 between the adapted scale and the test-retest, and a high level of 0.855 on the equivalent scale. As a result of the test, 109 out of 170 participants were found to be in the risk group for swallowing disorders.
Conclusion: The DRAS-TR scale is a valid and reliable scale that can be used to evaluate the risk of dysphagia in elderly individuals.
dras-tr, dysphagia, swallowing in elderly individuals, reliability, validity
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