Awareness of Dieticians on The Role of Language and Speech Therapists

Meryem Savran Müzeyyen Çiyiltepe

Purpose: Dysphagia is a complex disorder that can ocur with other diagnoses. Therefore, frequent collaboration between health care professionals is required to appropriately assess and manage dysphagia. One of the occupational groups that is likely to work with speech and language therapists in swallowing rehabilitation is dieticians. In the literature review, no study involving dietitians was found. This study aims to describe the general knowledge levels of dietitians about the profession of speech and language therapy, their views and awareness about its role in dysphagia rehabilitation. Method: A questionnaire of 25 questions was prepared in order to collect data for the research. The questionnaire was prepared by the authors of the study by scanning speech and language therapy and swallowing disorder awareness studies, articles and questionnaires. The questionnaire was administered to the graduates of nutrition and dietetics department via online channels. A total of 80 experts were surveyed. The data were analyzed descriptively and statistically. Results: When the participants were asked about the working areas of speech and language therapists, one of the areas least chosen by the participants was swallowing disorders. Participants obtain a field of study awareness score by choosing among the fields of study of speech and language therapists. The mean of the total scores of study area awareness is 6.34±2.2, and the median score is 7. It was observed that the awareness scores of the participants who were speech and language therapists in the place they worked were higher. The majority of the participants (93.7%) stated that they were concerned about the oral feeding of their patients with swallowing disorders. 44 participants (55.0%) stated that they would refer their patients to a speech and language therapist to help them transition to oral nutrition. 42.5% of the participants stated that they knew that speech and language therapists performed swallowing therapy, and 47.5% said that they would refer their patient with swallowing disorder to a speech and language therapist. 74 (92.5%) participants stated that they could work in collaboration with speech and language therapists in swallowing rehabilitation. Conclusion: It was determined that the knowledge and awareness of the participants about the role of speech and language therapists in swallowing rehabilitation was weak. Seminars, working groups and awareness studies on this subject will increase awareness about the role of speech and language therapists in swallowing. Such informative seminars and trainings for collaborative practices will serve to increase interprofessional communication.


awareness, dysphagia, nutritionist, swallowing disorders, speech and language therapist


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