Identification of the Awareness of Nurses and Doctors on the Role of Speech and Language Therapists in Swallowing Disorders

Serkan Bengisu Dilara Derin

Purpose: The causes and consequences of dysphagia may require the cooperation of more than one specialist. Dysphagia is managed with a multidisciplinary team in order to provide a better outcome to the patient. On the other hand, the low number of speech and language therapists (SLT) available in Turkey including in the healthcare settings makes one think that doctors and nurses who work in a multidisciplinary team in the field have low levels of awareness and do not refer patients to SLTs. As a result of the literature review, it was seen that there was no research on this topic involving nurses and doctors. The aim of this study was to identify the awareness of the nurses and doctors working together in the field about the role of speech and language therapists in swallowing disorders. Method: The sample of the study consisted of 36 doctors from various branches in three different cities and 68 nurses working in various services in 7 different cities. "Nurse Awareness Questionnaire" consisting of 19 questions and "Doctor Awareness Questionnaire" consisting of 24 questions were used in the research. There were common questions in the surveys. The questionnaires were delivered to the participants over the internet (online) and by hand. Questionnaires were developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed descriptively and statistically. Results: In both groups, it was observed that the profession of speech and language therapy is well- known, but its role in the field of swallowing disorders is not known enough. 94.4% of doctors and 83.8% of nurses think that speech and language therapists work mostly in the field of fluency disorders. 50% of doctors think that speech and language therapists work in the field of swallowing disorders, but only 28.6% of doctors refer their patients with swallowing disorders to a speech and language therapist. There was no significant difference between the groups' awareness levels about speech and language therapist’s role in swallowing. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that awareness of speech and language therapist is high among doctors and nurses, but the awareness of SLT’s role in swallowing therapy is not high. Although the awareness is not very low and it is known that patients with swallowing issues will be fed orally again, these patients are not directed to speech and language therapists by the doctors. Planning activities including seminars for doctors and nurses to increase their awareness on the importance of early swallowing assessment and treatment will increase awareness of speech and language therapists and their roles in swallowing disorder, and help patients benefit from therapists.


speech and language therapy, doctor, nurse, awareness, dysphagia


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