Purpose: Peer bullying can be defined as a purposeful and persistent aggressive behavior by one or more children towards the weaker child. It has been shown in various studies that children with communication disorders are more frequently exposed to peer bullying. Stuttering is also a type of communication disorder that affects the fluency of speech. In the light of this information, the findings that children with stuttering are also at risk for peer bullying are not surprising. In this study; definition, prevalence, causes, possible consequences of peer bullying, the relationship between stuttering and peer bullying, and intervention strategies for peer bullying that can be applied in stuttering therapies are discussed. Thus, it is aimed that this review study will enrich the therapies of speech and language therapists for children with stuttering and draw attention to the peer bullying situation that children with stuttering can be exposed to. Method: The traditional compilation method was used in this study. In this direction, a literature review on the management of peer bullying in stuttering was conducted. Results: The results of this investigation have revealed that peer bullying can be observed as different types such as physical, verbal, relational or cyberbullying. In addition, various views on the causes of peer bullying were found. The long-term academic and psychosocial effects of peer bullying are explained and attention is drawn to the importance of intervention processes. Evidence has been found regarding that children with stuttering are at risk for peer bullying. In addition to these, various intervention strategies have been identified for peer bullying that speech and language therapists can use for children with stuttering. It has been observed that these intervention strategies mainly cover topics such as informing the child and his/her significant others about stuttering and peer bullying, assertiveness training, replacing negative automatic thoughts about stuttering with positive thoughts, and peer education. It has been determined that some of the intervention strategies can be used in the clinic (peer bullying training in stuttering, assertiveness training, cognitive restructuring, etc.), and some can be used outside the clinic (peer, parent and school-based training about stuttering and peer bullying). Conclusion: A comprehensive stuttering therapy requires intervention approaches that offer a holistic view to stuttering. Stuttering therapies do not just focus on speech fluency but also focus to minimize the possible negative impact of stuttering on the child's life. In addition, it is thought that speech and language therapists’ inclusion of informative content about stuttering and peer bullying in their therapy can be considered within the scope of preventive services for children with stuttering. It is expected that such content will prepare the child with stuttering against possible negativities that may be encountered.
bullying, consequences of bullying, peer bullying, school-age stuttering, stuttering
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