Evaluation of Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary of Children with Language Delay

Beyza Nur Düker Aylin MÜge Tunçer

The increase in the vocabulary is an indicator of semantic development during language acquisition. Delays which may occur during the acquisition of new vocabulary items bring along potential problems such as language delay and social and academic problems. Children with language delay can show such limitations in their vocabulary. Purpose: This study aims to describe the receptive and expressive vocabulary levels of the 36–59-month-old children with language delay using the TİFALDİ Test (Turkish Expressive and Receptive Test). Method: In line with this aim, the differences between age groups and the relationship between the age of the participants with the TIFALDI scores and the TEDİL (The Test of Early Language Development in Turkish) sub-test scores were examined. TİFALDİ and TEDİL Tests were administered to the participants and the raw score, standard score, and equivalent ages were calculated. 36 children between 36-59-month-old who were diagnosed with language delay at DİLKOM (the Research Centre for Language and Speech Disorders) participated in the study. The participants were divided into groups two groups (the 3-year-group and the 4-year group) based on their age. Results: Considering the findings of the study, while the participants’ equivalent age of the Receptive Vocabulary Sub-Scale (TİFALDİ-RT) was higher than the chronological age, their Expressive Vocabulary Sub-scale (TİFALDİ-ET) equivalent ages were found to be lower than the chronological age. The relationship between the TEDİL and the TIFALDİ subtests varies according to the groups. Conclusion: All sub-scores of the TIFALDI Test increase with age. To diagnosed language delay, vocabulary growth as well as phonological, morphological, syntactic and pragmatic developments should be evaluated comprehensively.

Keywords: language delay, vocabulary growth, TİFALDİ Test, language assessment tools


language delay, vocabulary growth, TİFALDİ Test, language assessment tools


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