Investigation of Postgraduate Studies in Speech and Language Therapy in Turkey in Terms of Various Variables

Seçil Aydın Oral Hilal Erçıktı

Purpose: Universities are institutions where knowledge is produced and scientific research is conducted. Graduate education following undergraduate education takes place through universities. Some of the aims of graduate education are to train academic staff for universities and to contribute to the society by specializing in a particular field. Graduate theses that emerge with postgraduate education help to evaluate, compile and share information. In the national literature, there is only one study examining the general characteristics of postgraduate theses in the field of Language and Speech Therapy. To contribute to the elimination of this gap existing in the literature, this study aimed to examine the academic studies conducted in the field of Language and Speech Therapy in Turkey in terms of various variables. Method: In this study, document analysis data collection method was used. The database of the official website of the Higher Education Council National Thesis Center (YOKTEZ) has been used. The scan was conducted by selecting the "Department of Language and Speech Therapy and Language and Speech Therapy" from the department tab of the detailed screening section of the YOKTEZ database, and "Language and Speech Therapy" from the branch of science tab. Results: As a result of the scanning, 170 graduate theses were reached and 154 graduate theses were included in the study due to lack of Access to the remaining 16. It was determined that the studies in the field of Language and Speech Therapy were first conducted in 2004, with the majority of them being master's theses. Anadolu University was the university with the most studies at all thesis levels. The most researched area among graduate theses was 'Language Disorders' followed by voice disorders. In addition, there were quite a few scale development and scale adaptation studies. Conclusion: This study reveals the dynamism of the Speech and Language Therapy branch of science since it started graduate education in 2000 in Turkey. It can be argued that reviewing the research conducted in the field at different times in the development of the Speech and Language Therapy field of science in Turkey would serve to keep the branch of science up-to-date, prevent the accumulation of the same topics in research, avoid working on disconnected issues, and determine the deficiencies in the field. It is thought to be a guide for researchers who will work in the field of Language and Speech Therapy in the future, as it shows the density of the subject distribution and draws the general framework of the current situation.


speech and language therapy, graduate education, graduate thesis, university


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