A Literature Review of the Relationship between Developmental Stuttering and Temperament

Nurcan Alpüran Kocabıyık Ayşe Serra Duray

Purpose: This study is a review of published studies about the association between developmental stuttering and temperament. The studies which compare characteristics of temperament of children who stutter and who do not stutter, the studies which investigate the effects of temperament on chronicity and recovery of the stuttering and the studies which attempt to express role of temperament on stuttering were included to this review. Method: To reach the studies about the association between stuttering and temperament, Scopus, Google Schoolar, Pubmed, Science Direct, ResearchGate was reviewed by using the key words of ‘developmental stuttering’, ‘childhood stuttering’, ‘temperament’ and ‘stuttering and temperament’. 440 articles were reached about temperament, stuttering, stuttering and temperament regarding developmental stuttering. 19 articles met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were being published in an peer-reviewed journal, providing information about stuttering and temperament investigating stable/ trait-like/ dispositional temperament, being published between 1992-2020 March and having participants consisting of children with developmental stuttering (3-7 years old). Results: Of the 19 articles included in the study, 14 were about comparison of temperament characteristics of children who do and do not, stutter, 2 about evaluation of role of temperament in chronicity of stuttering and recovery from stuttering and 4 were about theories about temperament and stuttering. Conclusion: The literature review revealed conflicting findings about temperamental characteristics of children with and without stuttering. Majority of the studies reported significant differences between children who stutter and who do not in terms of various dimensions of temperament. In other studies, no significant differences were found. However few, available studies accept that temperament has a crucial role on chronicity and recovery of stuttering and its process. There seems to be a need for further studies, especially with different age groups, to shed a conclusive light on those issues. Based on the theories about temperament and stuttering, association between developmental stuttering and temperament seems to be very important to understand. Understanding the relationship between stuttering and developmental stuttering will provide an important contribution stuttering therapy.


developmental stuttering, temperament, review, childhood stuttering, recovery, chronicity


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