A Survey of Available Graduate Theses On Swallowing Disorders Conducted in Turkey

Serkan Bengisu Evrim Gerçek

Swallowing is the process during which the source of human nutrition, foods, are transferred to the digestion system. Swallowing function is composed of oral-preparatory, oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal phases. Physiological changes in the muscle structure used for swallowing result in swallowing disorders (dysphagia). Though not a disease on its own, dysphagia mostly surfaces among the symptoms of some neurological or neuro-degenerative diseases or it accompanies head-neck cancers. It is especially prevalent among the geriatric population.

Due to its multi-factorial nature, dysphagia is a disorder that various health disciplines are interested in. In many developed countries, speech and language therapists are among the members of dysphagia teams. SLTs have a leading role within the dysphagia team, and they establish the coordination among other professionals in the team.

This research aims to examine post-graduate theses that have been completed on swallowing disorders in Turkey. A second aim of the present study is to describe the current status for the profession of Speech and Language Therapy” with respect to dysphagia.

Document analysis, a qualitative research method, has been employed for this research. As for data collection process, the key words “swallowing, dysphagia, and swallowing disorder” have been sought within the CoHE Thesis Center. This quest produced 75 post-graduate theses carried out between 1979 and 2018. Of all these, the researchers evaluated 45 theses that are open to access in terms of 11 criteria (thesis type, year of issue, the institute/university/department of the thesis, practice type, participants’ age-range, participants’ diagnostic features, sample size, assessment tools, swallowing phase).

The results have revealed that a significant majority of theses on dysphagia in Turkey have been conducted as part of specialization efforts in medicine, that the highest number of these theses have been supervised by the departments of Neurology and Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, that the main participants are from the adult population, and that most are confined to the assessment procedure. All the post-graduate theses conducted within the field of SLT are MA/MSc level studies, 3 of these 4 theses were directed to assessment, only one thesis has tested the efficacy of a therapy approach, 3 are completed with adult population and one has focused on swallowing disorder among children.

In conclusion, the results have shown that a great many of post-graduate theses focusing on assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders, one of the fields of specialty for speech and language therapists, have actually been conducted by other disciplines. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that students pursuing their post-graduate studies at Speech and Language Therapy MA/MSc. Programs, which grow in number day by day, should be encouraged to direct their research efforts towards swallowing disorders, especially towards designing studies focusing on therapy approaches in dysphagia. Moreover, pediatric dysphagia is also in need of interest by future researchers. 


swallowing, dysphagia, swallowing disorder, swallowing difficulty, nutrition, mastication, swallowing assessment


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