Analysis Of The Assessment Results Of Turkish Speaking Patients With Aphasia

Nur Melike Doğruöz İlknur Maviş

Purpose: Language assessment is the most important stage of aphasia rehabilitation. With aphasia assessment, problems in the language skills of the aphasic person are addressed and as a result, appropriate therapy program is implemented. The Aphasia Language Assessment Test (ADD), developed for Turkish-speaking aphasics, is a validated and reliable assessment tool that evaluates language skills in detail. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of variables such as age, gender, education, paralysis, aphasia onset, aphasia type on total score and language score obtained from the ADD test and to determine the extent to which the ADD test was appropriate to determine the aphasia types. Method: The research was conducted in a retrospective datacontrolled research model. ADD test scores of 24 female and 29 male aphasics were used in the study. Arithmetic mean ± standard deviation was used for descriptive statistics. For the analysis of the data, Mann Whitney U and Kruscal-Wallis was used. Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the educational level of the participants and the ADD total and language scores. There was no statistically significant difference between gender, age, paralysis, stroke onset and ADD total and language scores. In the study, differences between aphasia types were found in terms of spontaneous language-speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming and ADD language and total scores. Conclusion: Research findings showed that Turkish speaking aphasic individuals, regardless of aphasia types, generally have better auditory comprehension. As a result, ADD seems to be appropriate to classify individuals to their aphasia types.


aphasia, aphasia assessment, aphasia language assessment Test (ADD), aphasia types, aphasia variables


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