Purpose: Primary
Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a neurological syndrome in which language
abilities are slowly and gradually impaired. This study aims to determine and
describe the language abilities, neuropsychological profile and daily living activities
performance of a Turkish speaking person with PPA. Method: In order to assess language, ‘Language Assessment Test for
Aphasia’ (ADD); to evaluate neuropsychological abilities Judgement of Line
Orientation Test, Benton Face Recognition Test, Clock Drawing Test, Trail
Making Test, Simultanagnosia Test, Password Test, 3 Words 3 Shapes Test,
Copying item of the Standardized Mini Mental Test; to examine motor abilities Edinburgh
Handedness Inventory, Constructional Apraxia Test, Oral Apraxia Test,
Diadochokinesis Test, Luria’s Three-step Motor Test; to assess daily living
participation Daily Living Activities Scale, Neuropsychiatric Inventory,
Frontal behavioral Inventory, Social Network Index Scale and Caregiver Burden Scale have been
administered. Results: Regarding
Aphasia Language Assessment Test, patient’s speech fluency, auditory
comprehension, automatic speech, repetition, naming, reading and writing
abilities are severely affected. In addition to decline in the patient’s
language disorders, memory, attention and reasoning abilities are also affected
and he has coexisting speech apraxia and orobuccal apraxia. Daily living
activities are also negatively affected and it was determined that there is a
significant decline in self-dependence. Conclusion:
Language, cognition and daily activities are affected in primary progressive
aphasia. Interventions should be established by considering these areas.
primary progressive aphasia, dementia, language, cognition, daily living activities
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