YEAR: 2023 VOLUME: 6 ISSUE: 3, December 2023
Page: 219- 267
Selin Tokalak, İbrahim Can Yaşa
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 268-287
xamining the Awareness of Family Health Center Employees About the Profession of Speech and Language Therapy

Zahidenur Yılmaz, Ayşe Öztürk, Ayşe Nur Koçak
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 288-308
Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Dysphagia Risk Assessment Scale in Adults Aged 65 and Over

Aynur İkra Demir, Mesude Köksal, Ayşegül Yılmaz
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 309-330
Page: 331-361
Sümeyye Gürses, Ayşe Nur Koçak
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 362-387