YEAR: 2021 VOLUME: 4 ISSUE: 2, August 2021
Page: 138-158
Nurten Tiryaki, Bülent Toğram
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 159-191
Examination of Speech and Language Therapists' Views on Teletherapy Practices and Their Readiness for Change

Nurcan Alpüran Kocabıyık, Hüseyin Demirci
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 192-219
Ayşe Fatma Türkan, Ayşe Nur Koçak
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 220-242
Investigation of Postgraduate Studies in Speech and Language Therapy in Turkey in Terms of Various Variables

Seçil Aydın Oral, Hilal Erçıktı
DOWNLOAD FILEPage: 243-260